Saturday, 6 February 2010

my copy of ocean waves finally arrived

my copy of ocean waves arrived after many dealys on amazons site. it is very rare and i supprised there was a uk dvd realise. it came out on the same day ponyo is in the cinema all ghibil films come with a sticker saying for the creators of spirtited away i put them on my laptop lol got many now

Friday, 5 February 2010

new year new things

so its a new year and i have lots of new things ive spent my money on. firstly laputa castle in the sky and sword of the stranger. xxxholic vol 1 and 2. ghost in the shell stand alone complex second gig. a promotional mvm disc for thanks from being 1year subscriber to neo magazine. live action death note 1/2 boxset and L change the world. and finally thirst